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6 Reasons Why You Should Invest In A Beauty Uniform

by La Beeby 21 Nov 2019
6 Reasons Why You Should Invest In A Beauty Uniform

The UK is the sixth-largest market in the world for beauty care. If you’re in it, you can make a very good living. But competing brands are everywhere. You need to stand out. And a beauty uniform is definitely able to help in this regard – it’s an expression of your skill and professional values.

Here are a few reasons to take your time and buy a uniform that best sums up your aspirations in the hair and beauty industry.

Work uniforms exhibit your style

The first benefit is clear – clients can see why you’re so good at what you do. If you have an eye for beauty, you’ll care about clothing and how it makes you feel. Colours, cuts and coordination are an artform. When people notice your own style, they’ll have confidence in your ability to make them look gorgeous too.

The business has a consistent look

Whether you have a handful of staff, a team of 10+ or just yourself on the books, the brand must have a sense of coherence. Beauty uniforms are a way to achieve this without spending too much money. You’ll wear similar dresses, jumpsuits, belts, tops or trousers every day, keeping your workforce in line with one aesthetic.

Clothing isn’t something to worry about

Think back to school… Wasn’t it a relief, now and then, to know you didn’t have to pick an outfit every morning? A dress code does the same thing: remove stress and expense from the clothes you need at work. Plus, a uniform can get dirty with makeup, polish and hair product, and be as good as new with just a quick wash.

Everyone’s comfortable

We don’t have to tell you that salon, spa and other beauty work can be hot and physically taxing. From shift to shift, you must feel as comfy as possible. Thankfully, most beauty workwear is made to be cool, soft and non-restrictive. That’s also true of flat beauty shoes that help you stay on your feet for longer. Once you notice the difference, it’s impossible to go back.

Mobile clinics get the same treatment

Do you ever take your business on the road? Maybe to an expo, or a shopping centre? Link it back to your beauty HQ. Beauty uniforms can be taken anywhere with you – acting as another sign of unification that reveals your style skills to a new market. You’ll be even tougher to ignore in a crowd.

A luxury look stays affordable

Obviously, some uniform providers can sting you on price. But do your research, and it’s easy to find a brand that pairs a high-end appearance with a reasonable price tag. La Beeby, for example, give bulk discounts that scale up as you buy.

It’s the kind of investment that pays off over time; more customers will head to your door, and cover the cost of your uniform. And, best of all, no one needs to know how much you actually paid for them except you and the supplier. Yet you look like you’ve come straight out of the pages of a glossy salon magazine…

Any questions on what we’ve covered here? We’re more than ready to guide you through an inspirational work wardrobe. Speak to a member of our team today.

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