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How To Spring Clean Your Salon – In More Ways Than One

by La Beeby 28 Mar 2019
How To Spring Clean Your Salon – In More Ways Than One

At last, the cold is drawing back. The sky is brighter for longer, and you’re full of burgeoning energy. Is it time for a spring clean – not just of your salon itself, but of your business image as a whole? Any excuse for a professional makeover is worth it, in our opinion. So try these tips as spring comes to life around you and your clientele…

Play with the spatial elements

When you’re clearing clutter, it’s useful to think about where one item or another can be placed in order to manipulate the available space to your advantage.

Sweep, mop and dust. Afterwards, stand back and visualise the new guises the salon can take on. The front desk might have to stay where it is, for instance, but could a pair of potted plants move elsewhere, instead of crowding the doorway? Makeup or hair products may look more organised – and closer to your chairs – with a new, sleeker shelf. Consider your sofas too – could they be moved so that your customers can chat with your staff while they wait, or easily access the bathroom and refreshment facilities?

Install fresh furniture

Your salon may be crying out for another theme or visual palette. Yellows, greens and light browns are popular for spring, paired with a shade of white for the backdrop. Give the salon a new lick of paint and reconsider how your furniture fits into the aesthetic.

Vintage, reclaimed desks and drawers are a useful way to save money and retain a definable character. Wood or wicker objects bring nature indoors. Meanwhile, one statement rug can add weight to neutral colours around it.

Stick to modern, ultra-chic salon chairs for your clientele, but if you’re near the end of a lease, ask for another visual tone or base material. Crushed velvet might be great for a luxurious style, whereas metal chairs encode a simpler look.

Invest in a lighter, breezier salon uniform

Great team morale is as much about what they’re wearing as their environment – especially in the beauty business. That’s why we love recommending salon uniforms for a lighter mood. If your staff feel amazing at work, they’ll do more and go that extra mile for your customers.

A stylish neckline, sleeve, shoulder fit or cut at the back will help everyone embody their glamorous spirit. Salon tunics are a great inclusion into the work wardrobe, whether they’re zipped or buttoned. Airy trousers encourage freer movement and keep people cool during the day. You may even want to check out dresses for beautician uniforms, embracing the most feminine end of the fashion scale.

How we look and how we act are closely interlinked. We’ve written about energising tactics for a professional beauty team, and a spring clean is certainly in favour of making that happen. For gorgeous salon uniforms, contact La Beeby – we’ll learn what you may want and can help you budget orders at the exact quantity required.

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