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5 Interview Tips For Aspiring Beauticians

by La Beeby 17 Feb 2020
5 Interview Tips For Aspiring Beauticians

Interviews can be daunting, especially for beauty college students who have had little or no experience with the process. However, they’re a great opportunity to meet your potential employers and see if you’re a good fit for their team.

So, we’ve come up with five ways to calm your nerves and make a good impression when the day finally comes.

  1. Know the company

Research is key when it comes to nailing your interviews. Knowing one or two facts about the company you’re applying to, as well as their values, will be a bonus when it comes to sitting face-to-face with their key members of staff. Interviewers might also ask you questions about the business, so it’s important you stay ahead of the game.

Write down any key information on to cue cards to memorise them quicker, and read them before you go to sleep and just before you head into your interview. Doing this research can not only impress your potential employers, but also help you find out if the company you’re applying to is right for you.

  1. Ask questions

Asking questions about the role and the organisation’s long-term goals will demonstrate your interest and show how serious you are about wanting to join. Prepare at least two questions beforehand, and put them along with your facts about the business on your cue cards.

Having them in this format ensures you don’t forget what questions you wanted to ask due to nerves. This is also a good time to ask about the company’s culture to help decide if you can really see yourself working there.

  1. Bring your portfolio

It’s always a good idea to bring your portfolio with you to your interviews, along with a copy of your CV. Many employers don’t have the time to look at all the applications they receive in as much depth as they would like, so bringing a copy of your portfolio with you will allow them to have a good look at your skills.

Explaining the process behind what you did for each client will also give you something to talk about and help demonstrate that all-important passion for the job.

  1. Show your commitment

During the interview, you need to show exactly what will make you an asset to the team. Interviewers know that you are a beauty college student and that you’re still learning, so it’s important to explain how you’re trying to improve your skills.

This could be through volunteering, creating an Instagram page to get some exposure for your work, or even helping out part-time at a salon. Your willingness to learn is exactly what employers are looking for in young students, so don’t worry if you haven’t got as much hands-on experience as you’d like.

  1. Look smart

You should make yourself memorable from the moment you walk through the door. So, look smart whilst showing off your personality – you’re in the creative business after all!

Dress to impress with smart, fitted clothing, and style your hair and make-up to show off some of your skills. But, above all, make sure you’re comfortable in what you wear to the interview. If you feel awkward or self-conscious, this might come across.

When it comes to looking smart, La Beeby has got you covered. From simplistic tunics and dresses that can be stylised with accessories to stylish trousers and jumpsuits, you’ll be able to look professional whilst keeping your individual flair. Contact us today to see how we could help you.

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