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How To Break Into The World Of Beauty

by La Beeby 27 Nov 2019
How To Break Into The World Of Beauty

So, you’ve finished beauty college and read up on all the skills and techniques you’ll need to become a successful beautician. But breaking into the beauty industry? That’s easier said than done. Here are a few ways to help you launch your beauty career.

Take any opportunity

Take all opportunities that come your way. Whether that be an internship, freelance stint or voluntary work, getting yourself out there is a must. At the beginning, you might have to work for little or no money, but as you build up your brand, you’ll be able to start charging more for your services.

And don’t sit around waiting for opportunities to fall into your lap either – actively look for ways to improve your skills, and gain experience and credibility. Sites like Indeed and Gumtree may be your first port of call, but see if you can make connections on Instagram with local photographers and fashion influencers too.

Build your network

Building a good network will open up doors for you in the future. Networking will also give you the opportunity to meet senior figures in your area, which could potentially lead to internships or work experience within their salons.

Working with others in the same industry will allow you to get the exposure you need to break into the beauty world. You’ll also have a chance to broaden your customer base at networking events, so it’s essential that you get involved. Just don’t forget to design and print some business cards!

Keep up with trends

In the world of beauty, you need to be up to date with the latest trends. Jumping on the bandwagon will not only help you attract more clientele, but it will also allow you to develop your skills further – and maybe even help you find something you never thought of doing.

Read up on the latest hairstyles, makeup techniques and health fads. Even if you work in a different sector, staying tuned in will give you an advantage – you’ll know which of your services complement other trends and can then market it as such.

Find your niche

Speaking of finding something you never thought of doing, experiment with various techniques and sectors to discover what you’re really passionate about. You could attend short courses, watch YouTube videos and ask to shadow a specialist to explore the variety of areas available.

When you’re in a sector you love, you’re more likely to continuously improve as a professional. Customers will pay more for a high-quality finish, so it’s essential you find your niche and stick with it.

Look professional

You want to look the part when you enter the world of beauty. Having a sleek, professional uniform will demonstrate that you take the industry seriously. First impressions do matter, and if you look untidy, that image is going to stick with potential clientele.

Make sure you have the right work uniform to suit your look. From salon tunics to therapy dresses, here at La Beeby we have a range of pieces that enable you to confidently showcase your talents in style.

Check out our other student guides to get more tips on the beauty industry. Or speak to a member of the team to find out more about our range of outfits.

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