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How To Make A Memorable Impression At Your Beauty Stall

by La Beeby 03 Sep 2019
How To Make A Memorable Impression At Your Beauty Stall

Running a mobile beauty business requires a different approach when compared to static salons. Whether at a trade expo, shopping outlet or fashion show, a beauty stall needs a little extra thought if it’s to be successful. But don’t worry – we have compiled a few tips that will get your stall up and soaring in no time.

Craft a beautiful space

First, you want to make sure your brand has a cart, desk or kiosk worth stopping for. A drab or basic design isn’t going to impress anyone. Invest in great physical branding before hitting the road.

You’ll need a demonstration area of course – somewhere for makeup, nails, hair treatments or any other beauty work to be comfortably carried out. But remember to leave a shelf or podium for the products themselves, just for display.

Plants, candles and sculptures may fit with your branding too. Or explore luxury table coverings for a quick, cost-effective way to beautify plastic folding tables.

Invest in popular equipment

Huda Beauty, OPI and MAC are just some of the big brand names you’ll want to stock up on. These are popular for good reason. By using brands that potential customers know, and have built a connection with, they’re more likely to come to you.

There’s no point investing in nameless brands if you don’t know their quality. Customers, at the end of the day, want to have confidence in what they’re getting from a beautician. Don’t let your professional services fall flat because of low-quality products.

The same goes for hairstyling equipment. GHDs, for example, are a reliable brand that invest in care for your hair. Compared to cheaper alternatives, which don’t consider the heat damage caused by some styling methods, GHDs are a godsend – and your customers know it.

Switch up the products you sell

You won’t be hitting the same markets and environments consistently. Even small changes in the wants, needs and buying power of your clientele can affect how successful you are with a product line.

Compare exhibiting at a shopping centre to a regional beauty show, for instance. One is more suited to introductory products, whereas you may have more opportunity to upsell at the other.

That’s why we suggest having between two and four ‘product packs’ to take with you. They might be for both the lower and higher end of the market (or somewhere in between), or complement the event itself.

Advertise through beauty uniforms

What’s another great way to draw attention to your brand? It’s you – the beauty uniform you wear. It’s easy to promote yourself and your staff as experienced and skilful through clean, well-cut uniforms.

Staff can also express themselves whilst fitting a theme. More personality means people are likelier to remember the interaction. Even if that leads to a follow on social media, and not a purchase, it’s worthwhile.

Whether you’re looking for tunics, dresses or jumpsuits, here at La Beeby we pride ourselves on our range of shapes and colours that are sure to spice up any salon or stall.

Get in touch today and see for yourself how we could help your brand get the recognition it deserves.
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