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Thinking Of Starting Your Own Brand After Beauty College?

by La Beeby 12 Jul 2019
Thinking Of Starting Your Own Brand After Beauty College?

When you finish beauty college, the next logical step is to start putting all those skills you learned into practice. But if joining another person’s brand isn’t for you, it could be just as rewarding to go it alone. We understand that starting your own business can be daunting. So we’ve compiled a list of tips that will help your new venture flourish.

Location, location, location!

The decision of where to set up your new business is an important one to make. And, of course, you can always opt to take your new brand mobile – travelling to the homes of your clients instead, with no fixed premises.

But if you do decide to set up shop, make sure you do your research and keep to your budget – don’t be pressured into buying or renting somewhere you can’t afford. Look into the new, up-and-coming areas near you (universities and busy cities with young professionals are always a good bet), and make sure you scope out the nearby competition.

If you want a high-street salon, ensure the area will attract customers. No one wants to drive to your salon, only to find there is no parking. Close transport links are also a must.

Develop a good marketing strategy

The only way your potential customers are going to know about your new beauty brand is through good marketing.

Marketing is essential to any business: it’s a way to entice customers, and hopefully retain them for the long run. Making sure you have a good promotional strategy will help your brand grow.

As part of your marketing plan, you could include hosting an open day to show off your products and services. Perhaps get involved with events taking place within the community, such as carnivals and festivals, or put on a few of your own. By integrating yourself in the local area, you can build familiarity and trust, which is crucial in the beauty industry.

Build up an arsenal of quality products

When setting up your own business, you need to make sure you have the right products to get the job done properly. Good quality products, as well as an amazing service, will ensure a customer’s return.

Lotions, facemasks and oils, as well as little touches such as therapy candles, are all must-haves. Small details can go a long way, adding that extra bit of luxury to make your customers feel relaxed and calm.

Again, research is key here. Spend some time exploring online resources to see what’s popular, and make sure you have the right tools for your business. Keep to your budget, and work out the cost against the money you’ll earn from using them to determine if you’ll be able to make a profit.

Source professional uniforms

First impressions do matter – especially in the beauty industry. And you need to look professional, clean and tidy if you want to create lasting ones too.

Show off your personality and look the part with a range of garments here at La Beeby. From our colourful work tunics to our salon dresses and jumpsuits, you’ll stand out from the crowd for all the right reasons.

With us by your side, you’ll look professional and smart whilst going about your business. Have any questions about our range of uniforms? More interested in our essential accessories? Don't hesitate to get in touch today. We’ll help you get the most out of your new beauty brand!

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