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Is Beauty Therapy Right For You?

by La Beeby 04 Dec 2019
Is Beauty Therapy Right For You?

We all want to make our favourite hobby a full-time money-maker. However, there’s more to it than that… If you’re at beauty college, for instance, it’s probably because you love all things beauty. But there are a ton of new responsibilities you’ll face when you’re actually in a salon. Think you’ve got what it takes? These are the traits that the best beauty professionals tend to have, so you can see where you match up…

A passion for the industry

We’re betting you already have this, but just to make sure – you need to adore what you do! Beauty college courses are hard. Working in a beauty business is harder. There are long hours and steep learning curves.

So, to make it through, you absolutely have to be passionate about the job, new trends, and tailoring your services to different clients. You’ll experiment, read trade magazines, and keep improving because you want to.

A great work ethic

Enjoy the industry? Amazing. The next challenge is always feeling like you should do your very best for your customers.

Born beauty therapists aim for perfection. Remember – you’ll be on your feet for seven or eight hours at a time. Every minute of every shift must be focused on giving people the right look, even if you’re hot, tired or uncomfortable. The ability to deal with pressure in a busy environment is a must.

Impeccable organisation

Which makeup brushes have been cleaned? When should you move from one customer to another, while the colour in their hair is taking? Have you noted the right name, time and treatment for a booking over the phone?

These questions are going to become part of your day-to-day at a salon or spa. Natural organisers have an advantage, so try to develop any shortcomings and train yourself to be more aware of what you do or where your tools are.

Friendliness and professionalism

So you’re organised, dedicated, and in love with the job… All that’s left is to be a dab hand with people too.

Beauty college will teach you the fundamentals of customer service, because it’s really central to the whole experience. More customers will return if they feel cared for, listened to, and comfortable enough to have a laugh with you now and then.

However, this friendliness also needs to be balanced with an air of professionalism. Good beauty workers know where the limits are, never overstep them, and always speak and carry themselves well. Yet it’s also advice for the beauty uniform you invest in, which should be chic, not too revealing, and paired beautifully with a modest amount of accessories.

Look through our work wardrobe for inspiration. We’re here for style guidance if you need us, but otherwise, look back on our tips and think about how you can enhance your talent before graduating into the world of beauty.

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