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Make A Start On Your Beauty Branding For 2018

by La Beeby 11 Jan 2018
Make A Start On Your Beauty Branding For 2018

La Beeby love to be inspired by UK beauty professionals. People like you are innovative, highly skilled, and hungry for a name in the spotlight. That's why beauty branding is almost as important as the service you offer. Why spend so much effort and energy on a business that no-one is talking about?

The New Year is as good a reason as any to remodel your brand, leaping on opportunities with two hands! Follow our promotional advice and see where that core message can be amplified in the next 12 months.

What's in a logo?

First impressions, on the whole, tend to stick with us. This is doubly true of businesses – they have one shot to be memorable at a glance, or else they've lost a key hook for consumer interest.

A logo is a big part of whether someone will think you're worth their time. It can imply speed, finesse, luxury, creative thinking or a mix of other emotive cues. It hurts to be too predictable – are shears really necessary for a hairdressing venture? – but it's also wise to avoid abstraction, in the most extreme sense. People want a collective symbol of what you do well as a beauty service.

Every logo has to be approached on its own terms. We're simply urging you to sketch or commission a few alternatives, hold them up to audience feedback, and consider what surmises your strengths.

Strategise local and social engagement

Chances are you have a loyal, local client base, or are seeking to build one. But an online community is just as vital for sustained growth. We can't ignore how powerful it is, so use 2018 as an excuse to be active, curious and inspiring on social media. Following others like you (and crafting original posts with hashtags) will set the course for wider exposure.

It's also good to refine your website so it has a slew of region-specific keywords: 'nail salon in Chester', for instance. This will help you climb up the search engine rankings on Google. Paid ads might be useful, as long as you don't overspend, and can track which are leading to more hits. Test the waters on Google or Facebook to gradually refine your approach.

Don't forget traditional media either. Flyers and posters are worth a look-in, especially if you can hang them on a community message board in a town, or at a venue you're renting.

Pick up the finest beauty uniforms

In this sector, the million-dollar look isn't merely helpful – it's expected. How else can people trust in your instincts if your workwear is lacking in verve, style and material grace?

Head to La Beeby for a beauty dress collection that never lands you in second-class aesthetics. We have therapist tunics, spa trousers, salon jumpsuits and a store of accessories for your day-to-day routine. While the brand is getting a polish, it makes sense to revamp your uniform too!

The La Beeby catalogue has everything you need for a flash, no-punches-pulled wardrobe over 2018. Let us fit into your business goals with one of the most accommodating size ranges in the UK.
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