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The Rejuvenating Benefits Of A Therapy Candle

by La Beeby 26 Feb 2018
The Rejuvenating Benefits Of A Therapy Candle

Light, calm and scintillating senses – these are some of the qualities a customer will be looking for in your beauty HQ. Whether you have a dedicated salon or spa, or prefer to create a portable setup that comes with you on the road, we have a treat in store…

La Beeby's new scented candle range is lighting the imagination of beauty professionals across the UK. You can keep them to yourself, if you want – but they're also a fantastic companion to your workplace. Sit back as we tell you why our scented candles are an accessory worth having.

A delicious sensory effect

Therapists, spa workers and masseurs know what their target market wants – a total rejuvenative experience. Body and mind are interlinked. By stimulating one, we can sooth the other.

How do we achieve this? Gentle colour tones are a must in a beauty uniform. Soft towels and some basic tools or facilities are vital to ease people into a relaxed mood. You may want to play some soft music too. Environmental features are so important; each part of the puzzle should remind clients to recline, let go, and find a sense of peace.

Scented candles have a role in this. They burn steadily, releasing a tranquil scent into the air as clients begin to enjoy their time with you. Some of them have healing properties of their own. The chamomile in our Sleep Well candle has anxiety-relieving effects, helping shed our stresses during beauty treatment or spa days.

They fit the rest of your colour palette

It's essential to make a beautiful impression with whatever you're doing on the job. People won't trust that you can make them look incredible, if you're lacking a visual spark too.

This is another area in which candles can have a positive influence. When travelling, you want to forge an atmosphere very quickly. Our candles look amazing in dark or muted rooms. By taking a couple with you – such as the De-Stress Travel Therapy Candle, made from a blend of natural waxes – you have a salon-in-a-box, and can give your clients the treatment they deserve.

La Beeby's scented candles are a welcome flavour to your carefully crafted beauty or spa regime, especially on-the-go.

Our beauty uniform collection is getting bigger as well, with special fitted uniforms inbound for March 2018. Until then, browse our website for the best beauty accessories on the professional market, or ask us for style advice.

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