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4 Tips to Maximise your Employees' Wellbeing & Productivity

by La Beeby 22 Jul 2021
4 Tips to Maximise your Employees' Wellbeing & Productivity

Employees within the personal health and wellbeing industry often spend large portions of time looking after and treating clients, generally resulting in a decline in their own personal wellbeing. Taking the global Pandemic into consideration, many employees may also be returning to work with increased social anxiety or symptoms of long COVID, making the return to work even more challenging. As employers, it is imperative to promote employee welfare and wellbeing in order to benefit both individuals and the business.

Be a Motivator

Although at times difficult, it is important not to dwell on the downfalls of individual employees. Switch pessimism for optimism, and build a bridge of support between employer and employee. Encourage personal improvement through company-funded training courses or offer rewards for improvements in personal skill set, as personal growth is one of the greatest forms of individual wellbeing. This is because it cultivates an increased level of personal pride and satisfaction, increasing overall productivity.

For more tips on how to motivate your salon staff, take a look at our 4 Tips To Motivate Your Employees After The Reopen Rush.

Nurture a Culture of Happiness

Has one of your employees done something great? Praise them! Reward them! Make your salon a place in which they love to work. Why not treat them to a treatment once every 3 months to show how much you appreciate and value them? Appreciation for staff is a basic but brilliant way to breed happiness across your team of employees. A simple ‘thank you’ at the end of the day goes a long way in encouraging your employee to return to work each morning in a positive, happy mindset ready to start the day.

Create a space for relaxation

Although it’s great to have a diary packed with back-to-back appointments, the lack of break and relaxation can have a negative impact on employee wellbeing and mental health, leading to burn out. Consider creating a relaxing outdoor space designated to your staff which they can utilise during breaks for fresh air and a moment of quiet thought. Fill some pots with colourful, low maintenance plants which trigger relaxation and serenity. Alternatively, you could create a similar space indoors using plush, comfortable seating and indoor plants or succulents.

Become a Team

Struggling to get that team feel in your salon? Treat yourself and your employees to a set of new, stylish uniforms, making everyone feel that they are an integral part of your team. Get in touch with us today to discover the perfect style for your business today.

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