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Beauty Dress: Why Light Materials Are Your Best Friend

by La Beeby 21 Nov 2017
Beauty Dress: Why Light Materials Are Your Best Friend

What do you value most about your beauty wear? Is it the cut, the zip line or touch of diamante crystal? Perhaps it’s the way a salon tunic hugs your shoulders? All of these are valid reasons to get excited, yet they’re missing another element: the lightness of any beauty dress you slip into.

Soft, graceful fabric is a must for the health & beauty professional. You’re on your feet for eight, ten, twelve hours at a time… Anyone, including your staff, will benefit from a material that’s kinder on the body.

Never weighing you down

Treating hair, nails, makeup or massage spots takes a lot of physical effort when it’s spread out repeatedly through the day. A typical beauty practitioner may greet a dozen or more clients, personally, in any given shift. Flexibility and ease of movement is a vital concern. Heavy fabrics won’t give you this – they’ll only add to the strain of the job.

That’s why a work tunic made of wool, for instance, is a bad idea for sustained beauty practices. Going for a polycotton shirt, trouser or tunic is much more forgiving, as the fibres are less dense. You can dash between clientele and the equipment they’ll need without slowing down by 4 or 5pm.

Staying breezy in warm conditions

During the day, chances are you’ll be heating up as you dash around the salon or between client’s houses. Summer temperatures can lay even the most resilient hair salon professional to waste when their schedule picks up. Spa attendants, on the other hand, have to deal with roasting temperatures throughout the entire year.

There’s no sense punishing yourself with a set of heavy, heat-retentive clothes. Breathable fabric should be high on your search priorities. Beauty dress doesn’t have to sacrifice good looks for a light material composition.

A spa tunic, like the Justine in our range, has a 65%/35% polyester and cotton blend. The breathable qualities of light cotton are preserved, whilst matched to the stronger, harder-wearing fibres of the polyester base. Plus, it has an amazingly chic design, proving that exterior and practical standards can take equal precedence in your wardrobe.

Easy to wash, and wrinkle-free…

Beauty professionals need to consider more than simply wearing the beauty garb, day-to-day. No – they’ll have to clean, arrange and dry the uniforms, ensuring they aren’t covered in crinkles when work begins. Light fabrics are superior in every respect to thicker clothes, because they are suited to airing out, quickly, en masse.

Plenty of beauty specialists clean their uniforms several times a week, often lumped in with their personal washing. La Beeby’s materials have been selected for their anti-wrinkle properties – you won’t need to iron them – and quick-drying solutions. So for bulk washes, these options are very kind to tight turnarounds, if you only have a day or so to be ready for more business.

We have to gaze past the immediate visual hook of a clothing piece; that’s the only way you’ll get a sound investment for beauty wear. Browse our store for other La Beeby highlights or, for style advice, call our team today. Together we’ll nail a wardrobe your brand can be proud of.

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